21 members attended the A.G.M. on Thursday 20th March 2014, we were pleased to welcome our Area rep Rodney Hann and his wife Carol. Gordon welcomed everyone and Chris read the minutes of the last A.G.M. There being no matters arising, the meeting moved on to the Chairman's and treasurer's reports before the Chairman stood down and Rodney led the nominations and election for the Chairman for the next year, this turned out to be Gordon who then led the meeting through nominations and elections for the roles of Secretary, Treasurer and members of the Committee. The new Committee are: Chairman - Gordon, Secretary - Chris, Treasurer - Keith, also Ray, Mike, Rod, Cyril and Matt. Under A.O.B. Rod gave us a 'latest' on the situation at Allen house leading up to their A.G.M. then other AOB items touched on safety on club runs and suitability of narrow lanes, gravel and pot holes, the committee will discuss this further at their next meeting. Members were invited to come forward before September this year if they would like to organise a club run so that it can be agreed before the paperwork for next years runs are sent by Chris to Allen house. It just remains for me to thank the members who attended the A.G.M., it's your section so I encourage you to be involved at whatever level you are comfortable with.
Next run starts at Bradworthy square on Sunday April 13th, it's the April fools run so polish the bikes and I'll see you there.