Saturday, 27 March 2021

Proposed Way Point Rally

 Many of you will have seen the brief article in the VMCC mag that suggested an alternative for the Relay Rally which has had to be cancelled due to the covid restrictions. It has been proposed that each Section nominate three Way Points that can be visited by VMCC members during the period covering June to September. Visits can take place at anytime since the points do not have to be maned. A booklet containing all the Way Points will be issued in due course. Those riders with a competitive nature are asked to take photos as proof of  their visit. After the event photos are submitted the Allen house and a winner declared.

The three Way Points submitted by the Devon Section are :

1   Torrington Common

2   Lynmouth Cliff Railway

3   Dunkery Beacon.

These were chosen because they met the required criteria. e.g  near food and fuel, easy to get to and not in a large town or city.