Tuesday, 28 September 2021

October run

 There will be a run on the 10th October starting from Jonsey's cafe at Winkleigh, this run will be organised and led by Chris, lunch will be at Red Post and the finish will be back at Jonsey's, hope you can make it ( fuel allowing! ).

There are a couple of advanced notices, firstly, Chris has rung the Town Arms with a view to us having use of the skittles alley for our October club night but they have a problem with the alley being out of use at the moment due to it being full of tables etc, they will try to clear it out and let us know, if they can then you may bring your better halves, watch this space for updates.

On a second point, there will be a run in November, it will be a Wednesday run to try out this new approach, timing will be the same and Andy has kindly agreed to organise and lead it so watch this space for more info folks.