25 riders and 2 passengers braved the mist and drizzle to arrive at Den and Sandras to sample the bacon, sausage and egg rolls that Sandra and her team have become famous for supplying to all who attend this run. Brian, who organises this run every year, fell off a ladder last week and so could not lead, I was asked to take over which is what happened, I asked Ray to ride just behind me to appoint the markers so that I could concentrate on the route and this he did, thanks Ray. Keith and Ian agreed to be rear marshals so off we went.
The route passed over the hills to the picturesque bridge at Bickleigh, then on to Silverton and Hele before crossing the old A38 and on through Talaton. Lunch stop was at The New Fountain Inn in Whimple where an excellent meal was served. 5 of us guessed the highway code questions correctly and since I had to take over running this element, I had to withdraw and find 4 more questions for the remaining 4 riders. 3 passed this element so another 4 questions were posed which 2 riders passed, at this point a draw was called else I was going to be there all afternoon, so well done to Steve and Mervyn. Ray announced the winners of the most like to take home bikes and we were ready once again for the off.
The run took us out on to the old A30 briefly then on to the Fairmile road before riding through the centre of Ottery. West hill was visited next and Newton Poppleford before turning down for a wonderful run along the Budleigh Salterton seafront where the people were walking around in shorts and T shirts!. From here we rode on into Exmouth where we parked up on the sea front where we always attract a lot of attention whilst eating our ice creams.
Thanks are due to Brian for the route and to Shirley who I know will have helped with the setting of the questions, to Ray, Keith and Ian and of course to Den and Sandra and team of helpers for the wonderful breakfast treats.
At the lunchtime stop, a rider from Dorset joined us so we were at 26 at the finish, Den managed the whole route this year and Mervyn now knows where to put his camera for safety!.