Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Girder fork run 23rd June 2013

Ray has given me the details of the above run last Sunday. 4 riders took part, Brian on his Triumph, Mike on his 250 Ariel, Barry on the Harley and Ray on his 350 Ariel, Maurice and John turned out to see them off.  There was a little rain at the start but this soon stopped and the remainder of the run was in the dry. The Town arms supplied good coffee and biscuits at the start and at 1115 the run was on. 36 miles were covered on the way to the lunch stop which was at the Torrington Arms, I am told that they supplied an excellent lunch, after the lunch and a chat, the run dispersed at 1345, a good day out for those involved, it is unfortunate that the number of Girders is obviously declining.
Now would anyone like to volunteer to organise the September run?, Keith was down for it but has realised that he will be in France munching croissants so he will do August instead, I know it's normally committee members who organise the runs but it does not have to be, here is your chance to step forward and do that run you have always said should be done!, please let Chris or any committee member know if you would like to, it has to start at the Bickleigh Mill as it is set in the programme, after that you are free to go where you fancy. Next run is July 14th which will be the Exmoor run, meet at the Blackberries Bampton 1030 for 11 as usual, see you all there I hope.