A cross border agreement was duly signed before 6 of us met with the jam-on-first section ( Cornwall ), for this run. With apologies to John Lennon, around 20 machines started from Strawberry fields, Lifton, very ably led by Dave and Diane who took us on a lovely tour of the lesser known ancient lanes around the Lydford Gorge area. We enjoyed a Cornish pasty lunch at Roadford lake before following some faster roads to finish near Hatherleigh, with fine views towards Dartmoor. Many thanks to Dave and Diane for putting together a great , well prepared run.
Skittles are on the menu on Thursdays club night, bring your partner, and next Wednesday evening we have a meet at The Bell in Chittlehanpton from 6.30 pm.
Thanks to John who sent me the photos and write up as I was not free for this run.