Sunday, 7 January 2018

Fish and chips 070118

coming in and getting seated

who's having what?

the menu is consulted

tucking in to a great meal

chicken nuggets please

21 section members decided to give the turkey and tinsel a break and head for the Welcome Fryer in South Molton for this the first meet of the Devon section for 2018. If the numbers of people are a reflection of the year to come, even with those on holiday missing, then we can look forward to a good year ahead.
The usual excellent fish and chips and conversation followed so that time passed very quickly, there was concern for Ray who is stuck in Madeira at the moment in hospital, but judging by his calls home he should be home in a few weeks and hopefully fit for the first run of the year.

We have another fish and chips meet on the 1st August so that will be a date to put into those new calendars of yours, and whilst we are about it, if there is anyone who has not got an events sheet then do ask Chris or myself who are usually carrying copies.

So now I must remind you all of our club night which is on January 18th and will be a film on Nortons, and our first run of the year, the spring run, from the Corn Dolly on March 11th.