A busy week for the Devon section began with a warm evening meet at The Anchor Inn at Exebridge. Due to various commitments, sickness and Nick having a puncture only 5 miles short of the Anchor, we were but few, however, a new member, Simon, attended and told us about his 1928 Zenith 172cc two stroke which he is running in at the moment, he even brought literature about it, we hope to see this unusual bike at a future event.
Thursdays club night was listed as 'members 10 minute talk ''my bikes''. Cliff kicked off with tales of Hondas past and so we progressed around the table with some of those present telling their own stories, this was all very interesting and produced information which we all learnt from. It was agreed that these 10 minute talks could continue next month for those who were away due to sickness and those who needed to better prepare their notes.
Now we have our AGM on September 15th and we have a few adjustments we need help with, Chris has been our secretary for 10 years and has been very good in the role, however, he would like someone else to take over, so we do need someone to come forward, also, I have now been Chairman twice and would like someone to take on this role so please come to the AGM and see if you can help out, as you know, a section cannot run without a secretary or Chairman.
Our next run is on August 14th where we meet at the Atlantic village, ( now called Affinity Devon shopping outlet ), for a run to the Davidstow war museum. I hope you are making use of your bikes and getting used to new ones acquired and we will see a good turn out on the 14th.