Friday 24 May 2024

Evening meet 230524


The Mount pleasant Inn in Nomansland did us proud by setting aside room in their bay window dining area for our May meet. The weather was dry and quite pleasant for an evening ride, for me traffic was very light and the run very enjoyable. As usual, the world was put right with some time spent trying to give Richard some ideas to cure his 45 which ticks over and revs fine on the stand but will not power him up his drive!.
Ian shared concerns that Andy’s Sunbeam was not running properly and since his had been built the same would his follow the suit?. Old buildings and updating of seemed to be a problem but I’m sure the general conversation helped. Gordon, ( not me ), rode his BMW as did Nick while Ian brought a shovel and I came on my Kawasaki.

Hope to see some of you at the South Molton show next weekend, then it’s my Exmoor run on the 9th June starting at Quince honey farm.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Monday 13 May 2024

West Devon Borders Run, May 2024

An unusually warm and dry sunny spell held out long enough for us to enjoy a splendid day out on Dave and Di’s West Devon Borders Run.  Five Devon riders met at Torrington Common for the ride down to Lifton to meet with the Cornwall Section.  It turned out to be quite an eventful day.  Pete’s suspicion that alien geomagnetic forces lurk beyond Holsworthy proved correct as his BSA suffered a troublesome misfire.  Arriving at Lifton after a bit of roadside fettling the BSA was still unwell so Pete had to abandon the ride to nurse his BSA home in the good care of Ian and John.  

The Cornwall Section were out in force, 26 of us set off from Lifton including the hopelessly outnumbered six remaining riders from Devon Section.   The lush Devon countryside was looking at its best in the spring sunshine, although constant vigilance was required to avoid some nasty potholes and loose debris on some of the smaller lanes.  A very well-disciplined drop-off system held up well despite some long splits developing owing to various stoppages including blown fuses, clutch problems and partial seizures, all kept running.  Lunch was taken in the garden of the pub at Lydford where it was discovered one of the bikes had a puncture.  Di impressed us all by coming to the rescue by magically producing a tube of tyre weld and a mini-pump.  

The afternoon ride then continued around the lanes stopping for tea and ice cream overlooking Roadford Lake followed by a parting of the ways on the Launceston-Holsworthy road after covering about 55 miles.  Many thanks go to Dave and Di for managing such a well prepared and enjoyable run. 


Pete reported that they made it home after the BSA and riders took time out to cool off and recover at a public house, where they decided that a new condenser was probably in order.


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